Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Waiting on the Wheels

Well, not much going on with Big Blue as we wait on the wheels to be painted. I took them to Poly Engineering in to have them bead-blasted and powder coated "Sky White". That's going to take 5-10 business days, so there's not much we can do in the meantime. I am trying to order a pair of Joulosie Windows to replace small ones that are on the bus now. I'm not entirely sure that these windows will work but the price seems right and these are the windows that EP and I experienced in Rell. See the picture below to see what I am talking about.

Also, I took this as a chance to go through more of the stuff. A copy of John Muir's HOW TO KEEP YOUR VOLKSWAGEN ALIVE came in the back of Big Blue, but it is covered in mold and pages are stuck together. Todd and Erica bought us a new copy yesterday as a gift so EP is coming back from New York with it on Wednesday. So I am scanning some of the cooler art in the place and saving some for our table project, which I will talk more about later, but then I am going to throw it in the trash. I know, it hurts, but you can hardly even read it and this book has been in print for years.

That's all for a few days until we get the wheels back...


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