Saturday, August 23, 2008

Big Blue's Oil Stains

View The Visual History of Big Blue in a larger map



Wow, how cool. "Oil stains"
what a crackup

To see my old house on Border Hill Road brings back many a memo, lots of which were created once I got the bus.

Did I tell you that I bought the bus when I was frequently travelling from travis air force base to border hill? I was in the reserves, over "extended" when I spent the weekend up there on duty (and partying with friends)and fell asleep at the wheel of my car coming home after being on duty as a medic at the base hospital.

Right after that I bought the bus, to sleep alongside the road when need be, and thus started "the lifestyle."

You keep impressing me with your enthusiams, Brett. And thanks for the bumper sticker!

Big Blue's Driver


Thanks for keeping the stories coming. It was fun tracking down the history of the bus through the many documents in the glovebox, but that doesn't really tell the story. Your stories do.

We are gearing up for our first big roadtrip in Blue - so we hope to add some more pictures to the above map - and some more subtle oil stains to campsites in the greater Pacific Northwest in the process...


Here are some more oil stains:

1970-1971 2540 Summit Road Eureka. I left the Bay Area to attend Humboldt State plus I wanted to live in a RAINY climate
1971 2 months at approx 1895 Patrick Point Road, Trinidad, CA. Just married and living a motel looking for a house

1971 6 months around intersection of Murray and Central Road, McKinleyville, CA. More Humboldt State good times. But BigBlu got beat making the frequent drive on Hwy 101 between Bay and North Coast.

1974-1975 26871 Moody Road Los Alto s Hills. Big Blu really like this cottage I lived in!

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