Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Big Blue's new nose

You are looking at, what I hope will be, Big Blue's new front end. Paul at Valley Wagonworks has come through again for Big Blue. His friend, Robert, had a 1971 that they were cutting up for parts. They cut it last weekend and Monday and below is the final results. I am re-contacting some of the body shops I talked to last spring to see if they are ready to go. Wednesday night, a buddy and I will take the front end and doors home and await next steps, but we are on our way...

Huge thanks to Paul and Robert for coming through for Big Blue.

Nice clean front end.

A huge chunk of bus.

A small amount of rust and decay to work with.

This is what a 1971 bus looks like, chopped up.

Another shot of the remaining sheet metal.


PJ Alau

Wow, that's alot better than the rustola that's currently under poor blue.

Looking forward to seeing this get done.

Take pictures along the way (not that I had any doubt)

FP Brewer

You guys are like the plastic surgeons of farfagnugen. Will there be a tummy tuck also?

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