Wednesday, March 31, 2010
"Kelley Park" VW swap meet and show - April 18th, 2010
Details here.
Posted by Big Blue's Driver at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
That wrought iron bug - Collision Magazine
I am not really sure what to make of this. There may be more than one wrought iron bug around. I wonder where the one with "El Patio" on the top is today... By the way, Collision magazine is not nearly as cool as one would think...
Posted by Big Blue's Driver at 6:00 AM 2 comments
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Hall of Shame: November 1990 - VW Futura
How many times has VW tried to bring back the bus in mini van form? Each time they say it's coming back, people get excited and then we get something like this?
Posted by Big Blue's Driver at 6:00 AM 1 comments
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Down at the old Cache Creek
On Friday March 12th, we drove up to Rumsey, California to stay at Cache Creek Regional Park. The campout was organized through the VW Camper Family website and many of the NorCal campers were there.
In attendance was Static in his '71, John's Dormobile, Melissa's Vanagon Westy, Blake and Shelby's early vanagon and Jenn and Romy's Baja Bug/Yurt combo! Tricia brought T-Rex Friday night, but T-Rex drained its transmission fluid on the road about 1 mile short of the campsite, so T-Rex was flat-bedded home on Saturday...

Jenn made this yurt over the past few months in her garage. This was the 2nd time they set it up for camping. Note: They carry this all on top of the bug!

The creek was a raging river due to the recent rain. The water was muddy.

Some more pictures of the bug...

The campground wasn't the greatest. There weren't too many flat places to park and the bathrooms were blue boxes (and they had brand new restrooms built, but hadn't opened them!). Plus someone ran their generator all night.
Oh, and here's some fun with poor old T-Rex:
Posted by Big Blue's Driver at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Interview with Stephen R. McFadden - the VW guy behind VW TV
I was tooling through Vimeo one day and typed in VW and was blown away by what I found. It turns out I has stumbled onto a one-man mission to spread VW love through his video camera and editing skills. Stephen R. McFadden is the brains behind VWTV. You can catch his latest creations (and there are a ton of them) at His films are high quality, short enough to watch on your computer and highlight the many reasons people love their air-cooled VWs. It's absolutely brilliant stuff and I think he's doing great stuff for the VW community. I had a chance to email back and forth with him and asked him some questions:
When did you start VWTV?
I started VWTV a little over two years ago while living in South Beach when I was sort of just new to blogging.
Tell me a little bit about why you started doing VWTV?
I started VWTV simply because I felt there wasn't anything else like it on the web. I am a videographer/editor for a living and I have deep passion for VWs. While in college, (sometime between 1998 & 2000) I got my first car, which was a 72 Karmann Ghia. From the day on, I fell in love with the Karmann Ghia and the VW culture. So VWTV is a result of my passion of creating video fused with my passion of VWs. The first six to nine months of VWTV, there weren't any videos, interviews or no write ups. It was just pictures but the goal was to always make it a video blog, I just didn't have a video camera at the time I created it. Now, the site has created a bit of small following not only here in FL but it other cities and countries around the world.
What's the goal of VWTV?
The goal of VWTV is to just capture as many stories, events and things dealing with the VW culture. I remember the first time I discovered HOT VW magazine and was so excited that I had a publication that I could read and see so much stuff about VWs. It was like a new escape for me. So the goal of VWTV is to have the same effect with a totally new medium. So when some one new to air-cooled VWs goes online to do a search for vintage VWs, I want my site to really inspire them so that they know their Volkswagen dreams are attainable. Also, I want VWTV to be a place where people can get ideas about what to do to their cars and also to be able to reach out to me or these other people about where to find certain things or how to do certain things.
What are some of the coolest interviews you have done?
One of the coolest interviews to me that always sticks out is Reid's 71 Beetle Although, I never mentioned it in the write up, Reid had an extreme case of autism but his enthusiasm for his bug completely transcended any illness or any other superficial qualities. It all came down to his love for his bug. And the relationship between he and his father reminded me a lot of my father and I because my father was the driving force behind my Karmann Ghia.
What VWs do you have now?
I currently own a 72 Karmann Ghia. It was my first car that I drove for two years while I was in college. The first time I saw the Karmann Ghia, I fell in love with everything bout it.
Who would be your dream person to interview?
Wow, well in terms of cars and things closely related to air-cooled VWs. I would love to interview Jerry Seinfeld because I hear he's a big Porsche guy so I would love to get his take on the air-cooled culture. I've never really thought about interviewing any one person about VWs so yeah, Jerry Seinfeld would be my guy.
What's next for VWTV?
My next goal for VWTV is to reach 200+ videos. Currently, on the site there is 135 videos so I'm hoping by the end of the summer I will have reached that goal. Also, I would love to start visiting other states to really take this show on the road. So if there are any big companies out there who would like to sponsor an air cooled VW road web show, contact me!
Below is one of my favorites:
Sarah's Bus from VW TV on Vimeo.
Be sure to check out all the videos at
Posted by Big Blue's Driver at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Crazy bus in Petaluma
I have started seeing this bus around town often. EP left a Bus City handout on their windshield. One can only hope they show up!
Posted by Big Blue's Driver at 6:00 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
VW bus as... a spare room.
Seriously. Well done. He's either single or has a very understanding wife. Or is single as a result of this. The guys in New York are nuts!
Posted by Big Blue's Driver at 6:00 AM 2 comments