Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bay Area campers unite! - VW Camper Family Yahoo Group

There are 2 ways now to stay in touch with the Bay Area VW bus campers;

1. GET EMAILS. Email me at BigBlueVW [at] I am keeping a list of contacts and will send out emails when I know of something.

2. BE PART OF THE CONVERSATION. Always looking for good people to camp with, I recently joined the Yahoo Group, VW Camper Family. It's hard to get used to but it's sort of a mass email list thing about people talking about and planning bus campouts. It's many of the Bay Area people that I already know, but there are others out there as it covers the entire West Coast (except SoCal).

From the site:
This is a Northern California, Oregon, Washington & British Columbia group dedicated to connecting people who enjoy camping in their VW bus campers. We hope to provide helpful information to locals and visitors to these areas so they can easily plan camping trips or just meet up camping. All VW Campers are Welcome: Westfalia, Autovilla, Sundial, Riveria, Sportmobile, Dormobile, and home made campers.

To visit the site, or maybe even join, try this url:


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