Friday, December 9, 2011

2011 - Year in ... yawn.

As 2011 comes to a close, I'll take a moment to reflect on the fact that 2011 was a odd year for us. EP and I are travelers. And usually our traveling involves either a tent or a VW bus. Almost all trips involve pavement moving underneath wheels hell bent on exploration.

In late 2010, Oak, our baby boy came along. And, well, things have been different. How different? I've prepared this handy visual:

Okay now. EP saw the above and cautioned me not to sound upset about the decline in spending times outdoors while I write this entry. And I'm not. "Upset" isn't the word. I think it's more "anxious."

One of the things I look forward to the most in life right now is the upcoming opportunity to share this rambling adventure with the small little dude. Imagine having a s'more for the first time. Image the first time he tries to outrun a wave on the beach but the wave wins...

There is certainly promise on the horizon. 2012 is going to involve more campfires. 2012 is going to involve counties with names like Mendocino, Lassen, Ventura and Imperial. 2012 will involve Oak's first s'more. In 2012, the road shall fear us.

So here's an early salute to 2012. May it bring more traveling for all of us. That is, after all, what we are.


Steve aka Gus's Owner

I know what you mean about anxious. I hope that 2012 brings our first of many camping trips in Gus. Our daughter is 7 and is fine, but our little guy is almost 4, and I think he's (we're) finally ready to attempt camping with him - he's a handful! I hope to get Gus ready to go, and I think we'll go very close to home for the first run - we've got the Pike National Forest only about 20 minutes away. That way it's not far to return home if we have bus or boy problems. :) I think I maybe put too much worry and thought into it though.

Steve aka Gus's Owner

Actually, I guess we did take him camping this past summer, but it was in our in-laws mega-super nice-28 foot trailer...that doesn't really count. :)

One Red Arm

Our third child will be three this summer and we're finally in a position to get back out there! I too am anxious for this year's adventures!


Here, here! Our Bus should be done in mere weeks! And, we're going to go nuts in 2012!! See you all out and about on the California coast!

Big Blue's Driver

Steve - We've considered driveway camping or at least having him take a few naps in Big Blue out back to get him ready.

One Red Arm - hope you get out there. Let us know how it goes.

Brook - Seems like a lot of out-of-work VWs are gearing up for some action in 2012. We hope to meet you somewhere a little further along someday soon...

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