Big Blue's VW Junk Drawer - Your weekly dose
Let's start with some pics shared with us this week.
First up is Machelle R's photo from some bus camping at Tillicum Beach. Is this the cleanest campsite ever?
Then Brett - yes, same name as me, shared a picture of his '68 bus - yes, same year as mine. I saw a picture of Brett online and he looks damn like me. I'm a little scared. He may be coming to Finnon Fest this year. Worlds might collide.
And a last one from Nix over at The Air Cooled Pig who posted this to Big Blue's Facebook page:
Go Pistons!
Moving on...
Mr Orange der Story-Bus is headed back to Germany in this thing:
We are sad to see the bus and its drivers go. While we knew it was coming, having them as part of the VW scene here in NorCal was awesome. They will be missed and we hope they make it back for a VW Camper Family Reunion.
Speaking of VW Camper Family. It now has 1115 members worldwide. Amazing. It's totally free and a leader-less attempt to bring the VW camping nation together. Thank you for supporting it and everyone playing nice on it.
Last but not least. The Elementhis blog woke up and has started posting again. Aside from missing the opportunity to post a vanagon painted like the Island Hopper, it seems to be alive and well and promising more. Below are 2 photos from Syncrofest Elementhis shared in a recent post. You can barely make out the Island Hoppers logo on the side. owning a Vanagon painted like this has long been a dream of mine...
Putting the "fest" in Syncrofest:
Now I want to see that Island Hopper paint job in its entirety.
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