Thursday, July 30, 2009

Even more pictures from Bus City 2009 (A shameless attempt to try to get more people to attend next year)

Many more pictures from Bus City 2009, held at Casini Ranch in Duncans Mills, CA last May. Come on, you know you want to come hang out with us next year..

The table of welcome bags full of VW goodies.

Random VW campers that decided to join the party.

Regis and family.

Big Blue getting checked out.

Griffin sporting a "Big Blue is a Friend of Mine" t-shirt.

John doing some solar cooking.


EP headed to the river!

Saturday run for more firewood.

Static's machine at night.

Sharing wine and telling stories.

When lawn ornaments meet.

Please join us May 21st through the 23rd, 2010 for Bus City 2010.


PJ Alau

You do want to come. You do. Brett, next year we will need to arrange a kayak or canoe trip (kind of like they do the rafting trip in Maupin).

It's a three day feast of awesome sprinkled with yummy kikassness.


Next year there should be a lot more bacon, if you ask me.

Big Blue's Driver

More bacon. Check!

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