Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Vintage Tuesday! Vintage Vacation #3

Summer 1971.

July 6th, 1971 - Had a great last week. After getting on the road last Tuesday, I finally got to Laurie's house in Healdsburg. I spent 2 nights with her family and then we got on the road. One of the cool things we did was stock up on wine for the journey. Below are some pictures of the wine place:

Our first bottle consumed was on the 4th. We found out that they found Jim Morrison dead in Paris. So the 4th of July celebration was a bummer. I never really loved the music, but I respect the band...

Stuff we couldn't afford.

Great beer selection too!

Anyway, after leaving Sonoma, we headed through Frisco to Big Sur - an awesome place! Elvis was the perfect vehicle for the area. Laurie and I just pulled off and camped wherever we wanted - way cool! And the sound of the ocean is fantastic to sleep to.

At the wheel of Elvis.

Elvis in Big Sur.

Toasting Jim Morrison.

After Big Sur we headed through Santa Barbara. What a snobby town! The beach was cool though. Laurie and I got some good pictures...

A freighter off the coast.

Beach art.

I had someone on the beach take this picture of Laurie and me.


We pick up Rick in Encinitas on Friday. Mexico after that. We were going to try to see an Angels game, but they suck this year anyway. More updates soon...



You kill me BV! Love it!

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