Hemmings November 2010
I can't stress enough how much I have fallen back into love with Hemmings. To be honest, it's been a long time since Hemmings and I parted ways. I used to read my dad's copies endlessly as a kid. It was a thick, unforgiving reference of automobiles that only the hardcore could love. There wasn't a single color photo in it back in those days (not even on the cover!).
But those days are gone. The Hemmings of today is part awesome magazine, part monthly reference/price guide. They are not snobs, which is the best part. The articles can cover $250,000 cars down to a $2000 ugly unwanted, but interesting, car.
The writing is great and to the point. They don't bother with test drives, or try to sell you something. They offer little bits of car history presented in small packages. And they cover shows, auctions, and even odd-ball stuff.
Anyway, here is some VW-related stuff from the last issue. Good on you, Hemmings Motor News. Keep it coming!
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