Wednesday, July 6, 2011

VWs of... High Sierra Music Festival

Last weekend, we had a fantastic time in Big Blue at High Sierra Music Festival. It was our first time going, and our first time bringing Oak, who is now just over seven months old, on such a long VW journey.

We headed up on Friday afternoon, leaving Napa around 1:00 PM. We arrived around 6:30, after a short "break down" which put us on the side of the highway for about 20 minutes. Explain, you say: While going full speed down the highway, we suddenly lost everything. CD player, gauges, everything. After an initial check, I checked in with PJAlau to see what he thought. We assumed it had to be at the solenoid. So, on the side of Highway 99, I crawled underneath to check the wiring. All was connected, but for good measure, I pulled each wire off and cleaned the connection. Then rocked any bolt that held a connection back and forth to clean the connection. Then, back in the bus and it fired up. Odd that it cut out while rolling but I guess it was time. Right as I was getting it started, another bus - a later bay window - pulled over and backed up to us. The driver got out and I met him at the front of Big Blue. All was good. We ended up leap frogging each other for the next 100 miles, giving a wave each time we passed one other.

Lucky for us, when we arrived at the show, some friends had made space for Big Blue so we were able to pull right in to a nice little area.

I have to say right now, that High Sierra was a blast. Both EP and I had a great time, and we are figuring out how to work Oak into the scene. I think we did a pretty good job of making it fun for him as well. We spent most of the time under the shade tent with some blankets out for Oak to have a place to play. And EP brought a kiddie pool, which we filled up with water so Oak (and all the other kids in the area) could have some fun while digging the tunes.

Next year - we will pull more friends and get a little more organized. Feel free to join us!

There is no shortage of VWs at the festival. Here's some, but not all, of the VWs of High Sierra Music Festival 2011:

The below Vanagon was rumored to be a quite expensive GoWesty set up. It was parked in Artist camping, so it must have belonged to one of the musicians.

We caught up with Blake and Shelby and Joe and Allison - all in VW Camper Family - who took "Baby Poo Bus" and "AIR YETI" to the festival. Next year we hope to actually camp next to them.

Another shot of "baby poo bus" above...

There was a large group of Nevada VWs there (pictures below). Would love to know who these folks are:

Who loves you, baby? Big Blue does. Always has. Always will.



Wow! The Vanagons were out in force!

Big Blue's Driver

Brook - you need to get that Bay of your up there to help our numbers!

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