Friday, November 27, 2009

VW Camper Family

For those of you who aren't a member of the VW Camper Family forum, you should consider joining. I try to keep people updated here with what's going on, but there are a lot of last-minute camping that goes on, and most of it is communicated through the VW Camper Family. You can get to it by clicking the "Camp Chat" link at the top of this page. Or you can visit:

If you like to camp with VWs, there's really no reason why you shouldn't check the group out.



So is it a West Coast VW Bus Camping Group or a Camping Forum for VW bus Owners? Residents of states without direct access to the Pacific await your reply....


Big Blue's Driver

It seems to be starting out west coast focused, because that was everyone I knew, but I think it could easily be used for anyone.

There is someone on from Denver, and someone from Florida, and my hope is if someone else from Denver or Florida gets on, perhaps they will use it to organize something in there area.

You can go on there and make a Montana "Group" if you want to try to reach out to other VW campers in your area. Not sure how many others you would get, but it would be a good place to try if you want.

So the answer is no, it is for everyone, but the California chatter will dominate for a while...

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