Week in review: Bus City 2011 - A report on a report
So, most of you who follow us on Twitter or Facebook already know this, But Big Blue did not make it to Bus City 2011 last weekend. How, you ask, can a bus miss the event that the bus puts on? Must have broken down finally, correct? Nope. Big Blue was fine. It was Oak, our sturdy son who last Monday celebrated his 6 month birthday, that broke down last weekend. He started running funny (fever) on Thursday and then started making odd sounds in corners (whimpers). We took him to the shop (pediatrician) Friday just before the planned departure to Bus City 2011 only to find that he wasn't fit enough to make the trip. His front axle was bent (ear infection) and it was making a terrible noise (crying!).
So we live through other people's pictures. There is a great write up on Elementhis, and we stole these pictures from his post (but do yourself a favor and read his post)
A special thanks to Schoolhouse Canyon Park, a family run campground in Sonoma county along the Russian River, for giving us space, making us feel welcome and making it so easy to organize that we didn't even have to show up to have it go off without a hitch!
Oh, and Big Blue's Bus City 2012 is already on the calendar. Same location, same weekend:
Oh, and the campers at Train Spotting 3 will be getting a little something special from Big Blue!
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