Friday, May 20, 2011

Week in Review - More VW folks from the WWW!

Just a quick WIR as we are out the door today to go to Bus City 2011. Yeah!

First off, go here and VOTE FOR our friends BodesWell. Don't go any further without doing that.

Early this week, some volks from Barcelona commented on a post and it turns out they have their own blog that is worth checking out. So, I offer you Kamerfalia77:

Another blog we found out about from our buddies down at GoWesty is "Little Van That Could". It seems that we caught them at the end of one adventure, but the promise of another is strong and we look forward to seeing more of them and their adventures:

And, here's a California VW guy we follow on Twitter - Timm Eubanks. He's a photographer by trade. And when he's not tweeting about VWs, he's taking awesome photos. You can view them all at his site,, but here's one worth your time:

The above photo is (C)Timm Eubanks. You can tell him how much you like it on Twitter at @oldvw.

And, last but not least, thanks to HotVWs for sending us some cool items to give away at Bus City.


old vw

Thanks Bro! Appreciate the compliment! My Daughter will be stoked. That is her in her 59 Single Cab. Found it on a ranch in Sebastopol. Photo shot at an Apple Processing plant in Sebastopol as well.


Thank you very much!

That was good!

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